Top Photo Tips For A Stellar Listing
Photos are the first things a HomeLinker looks at when considering a prospective exchange home, and as listings with great photos receive more offers, you want to make sure that your place shines! A virtual tour gives a taste what it’s like to stay at your place and helps set expectations for guests so they can exchange with confidence.
Here are a few photo tips that will help spiffy up your listing.
(Formats accepted: JPG. Recommended Max size: 1 Mb)
Common camera size : 640 x 480 px; recommended : 610 x 385 px
Light it up
Brightness lends depth and color variance to the scene. Sunlight is best, but if it’s a dim day, just flick on an overhead light and lamp. |
Shoot into a corner
Shows the range of space by adding dimension, and gives the appearance of being larger. |
Clean the scene
De-cluttering is key as it will make your place feel more livable and extra things won’t distract in the photo. Just be sure this is a true reflection of how guests will find the space. |
Highlight the amenities
Describe the features that make your place unique and comfortable (e.g. patio and BBQ grill, view, etc.) |
Take exterior photos
Help people imagine what coming home would look and feel like. Photograph the entire structure and surrounding area. |
Show personal photos
Show personal photos. Introduce yourselves with personal ‘face’ photos. Feel free to pose at your best, or just be candid. Remember the old classic tune “Getting to know you”. |