
Exchange Cancellation Protection

Exchange Cancellation Protection provided by HomeLink Canada is a two-part plan to compensate Canadian members who suffer last-minute exchange cancellations (due to illness, personal crisis, etc.) by their exchange partners. If the Canadian members have already made financial commitments (booked flights, etc.) to vacation in a particular destination, we will make every effort to locate a substitute at/near their desired destination. Or they may consequently require commercial accommodation such as hotel, motel, or Bed and Breakfast.

The premiums are placed into a fund accessible only to contributing members of HomeLink Canada during that particular calendar/membership year.

In any one year the fund’s total is entirely dependent upon the number of participants and the amount of premiums contributed. And the amount of reimbursement available is dependent upon the number and amount of claims. Because accommodation expenses incurred by a family during a typical vacation can vary widely, we can promise to provide compensation only ” up to $ 3,000 “.

In order to qualify for coverage, participating members named below must:

  • submit HOMELINK INTERNATIONAL Exchange Agreement Forms posted online signed by both parties as soon as exchange arrangements are confirmed;
  • arrange exchanges only with other registered current members of HomeLink International;
  • immediately when exchange partners cancel plans, request written explanation (proof) and submit this to HomeLink Canada.

1. We will make every effort to locate a substitute at/near (your) desired destination.
2. If no substitute can be found, (you) the members proceed with their vacation plans in their original intended destination, stay in reasonably-priced commercial accommodation, and send us a detailed accommodation-expense statement. It is recommended to select ‘reasonable’ accommodation, not luxury level, to allow a ‘reasonable’ portion of reimbursement.
3. We reserve the right to exclude particular hospitality services at our discretion.

Due to the widespread various officially declared pandemic-related travel restrictions and vaccine programs, plus the precarious political conditions, we cannot provide the financial Cancellation Protection in cases where the exchange cancellation is a result of these issues or Acts of war.

At December 31 we honour all claims of that membership year by splitting the fund, on a pro-rata basis, amongst claimants. Each reimbursement, therefore, could be total or partial.

Premiums are payable either (a) with initial membership fee, or (b) later with signed Exchange Agreement Form as soon as arrangements have been completed.

[HomeLink Canada reserves the right to allocate funds to claimants according to its established criteria.]

Effective 01 November 2024

For more information please contact HomeLink Canada.
FEES : New members and Renewing members

Leanne Graber
Owner, HomeLink Canada ™

© 1991 – 2025 HomeLink Canada